2024-02-21 13:06:01 +01:00
# not that pretty, but needs it to be pretty fast
import os
from shutil import which
IGNORE = ["go", "parallels", "tmp", "library"]
2024-03-26 12:03:30 +01:00
ENDING_DIRS = [".git", ".svn", ".hg", ".venv"]
2024-02-21 13:06:01 +01:00
def subdirs(path):
return [d for d in os.listdir(path) if not d.startswith(".") and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, d))]
def gen_aliases(dirs, prefix="", subpath=""):
if len(dirs) == 0:
return {}
aliases = {}
for d in dirs:
if " " in d:
# who uses spaces in directory names anyway?
for i in range(1, len(d)):
k = d.lower()[:i]
if i == len(d) - 1:
aliases[prefix + d.lower()] = os.path.join(subpath, d)
if all([dd == d or not dd.lower().startswith(k) for dd in dirs]) and not which(prefix + k):
aliases[prefix + k] = os.path.join(subpath, d)
return aliases
def process_dir(path, prefix="", depth=0):
if depth >= MAX_DEPTH:
return {}
2024-03-26 12:03:30 +01:00
for subdir in ENDING_DIRS:
if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, "..", subdir))):
return {}
2024-02-21 13:06:01 +01:00
dirs = subdirs(path)
if depth == 0:
dirs = [d for d in dirs if all([i not in d.lower() for i in IGNORE])]
aliases = gen_aliases(dirs, prefix, path)
# we can go deeper
for pref, pth in aliases.copy().items():
aliases.update(process_dir(pth, pref, depth + 1))
return aliases
def gen_alias(alias_name, path):
cmd = f"cd {path}"
return "alias {}='{}'".format(alias_name, cmd)
print("Generating aliases...")
for alias_name, path in process_dir(os.path.expanduser("~")).items():
ALIASES.append(gen_alias(alias_name, path))
if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/.cache")):
with open(os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/aliases"), "w") as f: